How to Have the Perfect Phone Sex

Phone sex is a powerful tool when it comes to a healthy sex life; it is all about body experience. Our brains are our biggest sexual organs. When we talk, moan, or breathe deeply, our brains are the first organ to get the message before sending impulses to different body organs or body parts. So, what is phone sex all about? How does it work?
To most beginners, talking dirty feels like walking through a vast minefield. Most people feel entirely embarrassed or ridiculous at the thought of talking dirty.
The reason why most people are uncomfortable when talking dirty might be because of their religious backgrounds or because they come from an uptight family that has high moral standards.
When most people hear “talk dirty to me,” they immediately freeze and become clueless on how to proceed with their conversation. While this is perfectly normal, it does not mean that you cannot learn the art of talking dirty.
Talking dirty will bring your relationship to a new level. It will not only make your significant another freer with you, but it will also steam your sexuality for the better.
When you learn to talk dirty, you will be surprised at how your life will change, and if all goes well, you will have numerous girls or gents wanting more of your charm.
You might find yourself wondering what you should say when the person you are talking to starts talking dirty to you. Others have no problem with talking dirty, their fear is if they start talking, they will sound stupid, lame, or they will go overboard and sound like a filthy pervert.
Most people overlook dirty talking, but what they do not know is that it is a powerful aspect of eroticism. It adds steam to the air, supercharges sexual polarity, and activates wild imaginations. Like sex, dirty talk needs to be taken with caution depending on who you are conversing with. You need to be careful so that you do not come out as insane, silly, or offensive. To be on the safe side, you need to know how dirty talking works and its rules. Let’s go through some simple guidelines which will assist you from second-guessing yourself or ruin your relationship.
General Dirty Talk Guidelines
Just like a math teacher emphasizes the use of certain formulae for students to arrive at a specific answer, we are going to lay down some ground rules that will make you a master of dirty talking. Let’s start with the basics.
1. Say What You Like During Sex-Say What You Want Before Sex

When it comes to phone sex, always tell the person at the other end of the line what you’d like to do with them or to them. If you get the chance of meeting them for intimacy purposes, tell them or describe what you like about what they are doing to you.
This basic rule is vital, especially if you are talking to a lady. Unlike men who are instantly aroused by what they see or visual triggers like porn, ladies are stimulated by their imaginations, which is why it takes them more time to be sexually aroused.
Males and females are wired differently. Guys tend to be focused on one thing, while ladies can have a lot of things in mind at the same time. This explains why ladies are better at multitasking compared to men. To be skilled at arousing a lady, you have to learn how to get her attention so that she can stop thinking of other things.
Doing this will activate their sexual signals and juices will flow from her genitals as the Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea; she’ll be more open to the idea of getting intimate.
This skill separates fumbling grasshoppers with black belt lovers. It proves that you do not need to cold-start the engine with physical touch. Prime the motors by walking her gently into a climax before laying a hand on her.
Tell her what is turning you on or what you desire. It can be something like, “I’m trying to work, but I can’t get the thought of your juices in my mouth at the kitchen counter.” Such a comment will most likely push her to the edge and the next thing you know, they want to pounce on you. Statements about the things you did in the past or what you are planning to do to them is a perfect way of easing into vocal sex sessions.
While you are at dirty talking, tell your partner what you are enjoying about your conversation. Doing this encourages roleplaying, and it gives the person at the other end of the line a multi-sensory experience.
2. Be Descriptive

To most people, dirty talk details are what turns them on. There is nothing wrong with saying, “I like having sex with you,” “you are so hot,” and “I like that.” however, you can supercharge such statements with descriptive details.
“I like that” can be replaced with, “keep doing that; it’s making me horny.” A line like “I love your little/big hands all over my chest/balls/ass” or “you are the sexiest guy/lady I have ever come across” will also work.
“I enjoy making love to you” can easily be said as “I like how you tightly hold my hands when you are almost coming.” Better descriptions include “of all the places in the world, I would rather be on top of you/inside you” or “I like how you breathe deeply every time I’m about to get inside you.”
3. Do Not Be Shy About the Vocabulary

In as much as calling your partner’s private parts is acceptable, using dirty words is preferable when phone sexing. “I like licking your clitoris” is not something your partner wants to hears when she is masturbating at the end of the line. Using words like ‘clit’ or ‘pussy’ is acceptable. Don’t be weird when your partner is in the heat of passion; it can be a turnoff.
4. Tell Your Partner What to Do

Never be afraid of dominating or telling your partner what to do. Exercise your inner demons and be in charge. Take the wheel by telling them something like, “close your eyes and visualize your cock in my mouth.” Doing this inspires wild fantasies that encourage turn-taking or roleplaying.
5. Be Yourself

Unless you are Oscar-worthy, do not try and copy what your favorite movie star did or said just before a sex scene. Be yourself to avoid sounding fake. When you are yourself, you give the person at the other end of the line an impression that you are seriously into them and that you like the vibe you are creating.
6. Be Cautious With Obscene Language

Everyone has a trigger word which boils their blood because they feel that it is offensive. Some people like when you combine swear words with dirty talking while others loathe it.
Some want you to describe their genitals while there are those who prefer profane street slangs like cunt, dick, pussy, or cock. Some like being referred to as ‘sluts’ while others will send hitmen to your home if you mention such a word.
To avoid getting into a heated argument, ensure that you check in with the person at the end of the line before you engage in dirty talking. If they are comfortable with profane words, you can always use them.
If they are not, ensure that you respect their wishes. Checking in with them does not make you less sexy. In fact, it brings about the feelings of connection, comfort, and safety.
7. Push Yourself Into the Unknown

If you feel like you should be dirty talking but are not sure how the person at the other end will respond, make it clear that you would like to spice things up. Tell them what you want to achieve with your intentions. Get to an agreement of experimenting for the sake of your relationship.
Take the opportunity to talk about boundaries, turn-offs, and turn-ons. When you get the courage to speak about this issue with your partner or whoever is at the end of the line, you’ll know in advance what they are comfortable with and what pisses them.
8. Examples of Dirty Talks

The following are examples of things you can say when talking dirty:
• Come and give me a lap dance.
• I need you inside me.
• I like it when you grab my dick like that.
• I love it when you moan.
• I love how you look deep into my eyes just before you cum.
• I can spend eternity between your legs.
• Ready for me to enter into your juicy pussy?
• Get on your knees.
• You have a gorgeous cock; it fits perfectly in my mouth.
• Cum in my mouth, daddy.
• Fuck me harder.
• Show me how wet your pussy is.
• How bad do you want to screw me?
• When I’m done making love to you, you’ll need crutches.
• Who owns this pussy?
Dirty Talking Changes Your Sex Life
In as much as dirty talking can feel intimidating at first, it is the best thing that can happen to people who are geographically apart. It enables people to have sexual gratification without being physically close. Start small before escalating your pace.
When you do this, you will soon experience the freedom that comes with dirty talking. If you are shy, the best way to practice dirty talking is by using chat line services because such platforms allow you to talk to strangers who are open to anything. Why don’t you give it a try? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!